Aug 18, 2010

just rambling

so, the boy ended up in my bed somtime between midnight & 3am...I just rolled over & there he was, a big lump of six yr.old boy...I think he muttered something to me but I was dead to the world.
almost missed getting him on the bus...threw on some flip flops which is not a good choice considering its been raining here and I have to walk thru 3 neighbors yards to chaperone him to the stop. Why can't the bus juat stop right in front of my house? I mean REALLY? 3 houses?  I don't yet trust li'l man to stand at the bus stop by himself....he thinks "air-bending" is a 24 hr sport so I'm afraid he'll "air-bend" himself right into the middle of traffic...
came back home and seriously considered going straight back to bed but then I thought to myself, "self, you will be mad at yourself if you don't get anything accomplished today!" so I took my self talking tail into the kitchen and proceeded to clean up the dishes, put away some odds & ends, make a pot of coffee, take the laundry to the basement, start a load, straighten up the living room, gather up some trash & recycling, eat a bite of breakfast, and continued to think about what to do the rest of this day.
My brain is telling me to get to the gym but ya'll don't even know how bad my quads and abs hurt at the moment. Ever tried to stand up and then end up sitting back down b/c your muscles went straight to fatigue he*#. Yep, thats how it is right now. I guess I might try to go back to Zumba or Step depending on how I feel by 4pm. I have to do something good for myself, right? Advil is my friend in time of need...
I have a lot to do on my "to-do" list & I should write it all down but then I think I would start feeling overwhelmed and then NOT do anything...sounds looney, huh? thats the procrastinator in me! a flaw I hate but don't know how to change...
late last night, I went and applied for two positions in a county that is not so near to my house but I figured, what the heck, its worth a try just to get a job, ya know? I think I will call the schools to make sure those positions are still open....
so I guess I'll get outta blogworld for a bit, gonna go to Prayer time at church @ 11am, then I might drop by bff's house to give her a few things, then I might hit Kohls to find a comforter set and use my coupons, then I need to go to HobLob for a couple of things, and be home by 3:20 to meet the last airbender boy at the bus stop. 
later =D


  1. very cute.
    And about that last post - you know I love cleaning out anything and if you got paint, I'm there! Call me for an extra set of hans. :)

  2. I know what you mean about long to-do lists!! You have a beautiful family! Please stop by and visit my blog!! I'm visiting from iFellowship!

  3. I can sooo relate to your evening and day!

    Happy iFellowship Day!

  4. I can definitely relate! I had to laugh about your son "air-bending." He sounds like mine! ;) Have a great day! :)
