Aug 12, 2010

1st day of 1st grade & a BLoG HoP

Obviously MARvelous

How did we get here so quickly...I mean ReaLLy?

This morning after dressing himself and eating breakfast, he announced "This is going to be the Best Day Ever!".....he cracks me up! Don't know if he'll have the same attitude after the novelty of first grade has worn off.

Here is a full picture of the MOST HANDSOME BOY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!


  1. I adore those pictures! So cute! Sweet boy.

  2. My oldest is going into first grade this year, too, but we don't start school till after labor day around here. I found you through the blog hops. Nice to meet ya!

  3. He is indeed a handsome boy, I too await the "Best Day Ever" this year!lol August 16th, school starts for two of my four!

    New follower from Thirsty thursday!

  4. Thank you for stopping by my Thirsty Thursday & for following me at Obviously MARvelous! Im now your newest follower and look forward to seeing you in the weeks to come!

    Your son is ADORABLE!! How old is he? My oldest will be starting 1st grade on the 30th!


  5. Great blog! Came across your blog from one of the blog hops, and looking forward to reading more of your stuff. I am now following feel free to follow back if you like!!!!
    All the best,

  6. hi, Amanda! What a cutie pie!

    Thanks for commenting on my photos. The carousel picture was actually taken by my hubby - he did good, huh? I don't have an SLR, it's a Nikon Coolpix 110 - gosh I wish I had an SLR. For the motion blur shots, I set the ISO at 80, and the photo setting was just on manual. My hubby used panning to take the carousel picture, trying to get most of our son in focus and the rest of it blurred. It worked pretty well. I found that the motion blur shots worked better on my camera when it had something stationary to focus on instead of the parts of the photo that I wanted to look blurry - hope that made sense.

    Thanks for coming by my blog! Stop back anytime!
