Jan 15, 2011

~Siesta Scripture Memory Verse Challenge~

Well, I love me some Beth Moore and when I saw that she was going to do another round of Scripture Memory, I wanted to participate desperately. It's part of my decesion to read, study, and hide the word of God in my heart. It's something I truly believe is important and worthy of my time and attention. I was going to post about this at the beginning of January but since I was out of town, I decided to wait until today to post about thw whole sha-bang!
My first memory verse is Psalm 23. One of my all time favorite scriptures because it's so applicable in all situations. It's one of those scriptures that just breaks it all down for you. Most of all, I love the ending, ".,.,and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord, forever!"

So my second Siesta Scripture Memory Verse is going to be Phillipians 4:6. I have this verse highlighted in all of my bibles including the one on my iPad. It covers all my needs, it gives me courage, hope, security, and best of all it reminds me to pray.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer & supplication, with thanksgiving, let your reequests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Phillipians 4:6-7 NKJV

If you want to join me, it's not too late, just hop on over to the Living Proof Ministry Blog. Beth gives you all the details and they just added an App from iTunes for iPhones/iPads. It's so very awesom!

Will you join me?

p.s. for my friend Cindy at the Martha Complex, this scripture is for you. Memorize it and when you have anxiety, the word of God is your sword & your shield! hugs from Hermitgae!


  1. LOVE that verse!
    And I'm not sure how I was not following you yet? I am now! :)

  2. One of my favorite scriptures (that I often forget!). Thanks for the reminder!

  3. I want to join you! Heading over there now. Also, I'm doing the 90 day Bible reading challenge at momstoolbox.com. Check it out!
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