Jun 14, 2011

Summer Camp Memory

I only went to summer camp once in my life. I was eight years old and about to enter 3rd grade. I was so excited because it was church camp and all 3 of my closest friends were going too! I don't remember the exact location but it was somewhere in Wyoming (we lived in Casper for about six years). The church we went to was Sunrise Baptist Church. My dad helped build that church. I have a vague memory of seeing him nailing the shingles on the roof.
Anyway, I was old enough to go and my mom helped me pack my bag. We left on a church bus and when we arrived, the boys had to separate from the girls to the "barracks" where there were bunk beds for about 8 girls. I remember I got the top bunk and laid out my sleeping bag and put my stuff away.
Besides the regular day time activities, there was a service every evening where everyone came together and we sang songs, did silly skits, and then listened to whoever was speaking that night. I also remember having kitchen duty where we had to clean the tables, sweep the floors, wash the dishes and get things ready for the next meal. That seems to be a time when adults didn't mind making any child work and be responsible.
I have a few fond memories of church camp. I remember that we could earn tickets to spend at the littlle snack shop that was at the campgrounds. I always wanted to buy a Smarties sucker. It was like a giant Smartie and I can still taste the chalkiness of that sucker. I recently spotted them at convenience stores and at Cracker Barrel which brought back this memory. I really liked them and I think I spent every ticket I earned on those dumb lollipops. One night in particular, I was chatting with my bunk buddies and the counselor kept telling me to be quiet after lights out were called. Of course it's hard for an 8 year old to shut up when a bunch of girls are in the same room at church camp, so she took away my snack shop tickets and I didn't get them back until a day later. That was devastating!
My favorite memory about church camp is the last night the Preacher invited us to come to the alter and ask Jesus to come into our hearts and to accept him as our Lord and to believe in Him and confess Him as our Savior.That alter call changed me. I accepted Jesus into my heart. Wow! I am so glad he saved me at such a young age. One of the best choices I ever made. I have not always done the right thing and have fallen short many more times than I care to count but Jesus saved me and thrrows my sins to the bottom of the ocean floor.
The last thing I remember about camp is that I was given the award for most chatty! Now isn't that ironic! LOL!
Do you have a summer camp memory? I'm hooking up with Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop!

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