Oct 18, 2010

~first day~

So, today I started my new job! it was a drag to get up at 5am but a nice hot shower woke my sleepy body up! I don't have Grant for a few day, he's at "camp" Uncle P for a few days b/c his school is on Fall Break.
I got myself ready, ate a bite of breakfast, did a short devotional, grabbed a cup o' joe and headed out the door. I didn't really know what I would be "doing" when I got there but I knew I would just get in there & get my hands dirty. Well, I had a great initiation! I had just been introduced to the Teacher's Aides when suddenly the fire alarm went off. I didn't know what to do so I just ran where they went. I ended up sprinting through the halls, through the gym and into the daycare part of the school and was given two babies to carry out! One on my hip, the other holding my hand! The baby I had in my arms was about 18 mos. old but she was what I call "chunky chicken noodle"! She was a ham but her chubbiness made her so dang cute! The other little girl was about the same age and she was adorable as well. She kept saying "hi" every time I said, "come on sweetie" as I was practically dragging her out the building! The whole school had to stand outside until the fire dept. came and cleared the building. It took about 15 min. After all was settled back in, I was asked to help with make up pictures. That took a couple of hours of my time but its okay, I didn't have anything else better to do. I ate a quick bite for lunch and then I went with the secretary to meet the Kindergarten, First, and Second grade teachers b/c those are the teachers of the students I will be working with.
The principal is theeee sweetest person. She's not like a "Principal" type. She's very approachable and better yet is a Believer! She made no hesitation to let me know that I was now part of the WAW family! Everyone I met was so kind and caring. It was funny b/c a couple of the first grade teachers were like "we want you from 7:30 - 8:00 every day!" The coolest part is that I get to make my own scheule which I will be working hard on this week so I  can really get a routine going.
At the end of the day, we had to have a quick staff meeting in the library. Ms. Giles inroduced me to everyone and the neetest thing happened!They (everyone at the meeting) gathered in prayer for a fellow faculty member getting reeady to have surgery! Isn't that so awesome!? It was right then that I felt from the Holy Spirit that I was destined to be here at this school for howoever long I am needed to be there! It was just awesome to feel that, I almost wanted to start crying but I didn't. I am looking forward to this new adventure/jouney that God has set me out on! The only "downer" is that 5am wake up!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!! So fun!!
    2 baby girls, huh? That's cute.
    Dang!! I guess I can't be mad anymore about you not being at my beck-n-call lazy day fun stuff since this was a God thing! LOL
    Congratulations again!
