Jun 10, 2012


WoW! it's been a while since I last posted anything. Been a little busy 'round here. School ended for G on May 31st but I had to go June 1st. I took a half day because there was no reason for me to stay there and twiddle my thumbs. I had a lot of other things to do than sit around and twiddle. LOL!
The first week of June called for Grant going to Cub Scout day camp. The theme this year was "Cub Boom", Scouts investigate science. I did not volunteer my leadership this year and I sure am glad. I was getting things ready for a yard sale. Every day, I had a scout friend pick up G with her grandson and another scout. I agreed to pick them all up and tote them home.  Much easier on me!
I had a yard sale on Friday and Saturday and as always, I was exhausted. It's a lot of work but it can be a toss up when it comes to making any money. I did pretty good. Enough money to cover this week's expenses for church camp.
Tomorrow, Grant & I head to Children's Church camp. I know he's excited. I'm a bit apprehensive. I don't really know what to expect. I haven't been to church camp since I was a girl myself.
Saturday night we went to bff's house for her gender reveal party. I was the honorary secret keeper. I can keep a secret of any kind. I have always been a great secret keeper. Shoot, I still have secrets no one knows! Don't we all?! But this was a good secret. It was fun to watch her and her family open the box and their reactions to the new that they were having a girl! It was really cool!
So, it's off to the wild unknown. Maybe if things don't get too crazy I can blog a few pics of camp from my phone.

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