Dec 17, 2009

{ a LiTtLe BiT of ThIs & tHat }

So, I haven't posted in quite sometime so I figured I would create a collage of a few things we have been doing. I bet you are wondering what's the deal with the pots&pans? well, they are an early Christmas present from the hubster. They come from Rachel Ray's line of cookware, and BOY! do I looooove 'em! I 'christened" the stock pot with a delicious chicken tortilla soup recipe that I made up pretty much off the top of my head. On Saturday, 12/5 we drove out to the house on 109 that has a drive through light display and at the end of the tour, we got to wave "Hi!" to Santa. Grant and I sat down one evening after dinner and made a super cute craft, we made Christmas Carolers out of toilet paper tubes & old socks. We made our whole family! Too much fun! On Friday, 12/12 my Hubs took me out for a date & we went to the Ryman to see "my BOYZ!!!" RF! Ooooohhhhh, so dreamy! We had pretty decent seats, they only sang three songs but it was nice to see them this year since they skipped their annual Nashville concert. And just this past Sunday, HAM took a pretty good pic of us for our Christmas card! I am hoping to take some pics of some of the decor I have scattered everywhere, and we have some good things planned while the boy is out for break. I think I need the break as much as he does!!! Look for more L8R! =D
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